
Software Solutions

Software Picture 1 Embedded - Software:
One of our core focuses is the creation of embedded Software. It’s usually created for a specific hardware and requires a thorough understanding of the functional circuit of the hardware product to produce a specific software with embedded programming. Alongside a comprehensive knowledge about digital circuits, electronic components and various microprocessors, a reliable knowledge with the corresponding programming languages like assembler, Ansi-C, C++ and handling of various compilers is present.

Sometimes there just isn’t a software product that meets your demands available. We have many years of experience in the development of custom software and successful implementation of complex projects. Under Windows or Linux we create, for example with Visual Studio, your software in C, C++, C# or Visual Basic according to your specifications. You won’t find any prefabricated products here with which you would be restricted. We specifically implement your wishes. It does not matter how unique your software request is – you will find it here.

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App Creation:
We create your custom and professional smartphone app for android or IOS which is specifically adapted to your requirements. Mobile applications for smartphones or tablets are getting more and more popular and are essential in our modern world. We will assist you to communicate with machines, control systems, sensors and other digital devices via smartphone or tablet, control them, read or evaluate data and to visualise. We help you make your app idea a reality from the concept, through the designing to the creation.


Tel: +49 (0) 4821 178 20 55

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