

consulting Picture 1 Analysis and Consulting:
ITx-Solutions will help you in utilising the possibilities of the digital world. Our strength is the individuality of our customers, because every business is different and needs a unique solution. Only on the basis of reliable information of the current state and the upcoming tasks can the right decision be taken. Paramount is the careful analysis of your current IT infrastructure and the upcoming requirements. Following that we’ll show you your optimization potential, suggest concrete measures and accompany you in the implementation period.

We assist and accompany businesses in all aspects around the topic of IT. Planning, implementation, training and usage of the information technology can be a huge challenge sometimes. No problem – we will help you. With our profound and far-reaching knowledge in the area of hard- and software we will help you to shape the IT effectively and efficiently and lead your IT project to success. We will form the IT basis for your business so you can focus on the daily tasks.

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Finding solutions:
Even if it is sometimes hard and there just isn’t something ready-made – we offer unique and custom IT solutions or submit proposals which will excite you. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Technical solutions are often particularly difficult to implement since specific hardware knowledge is often missing. Challenge us – we look forward to the challange!


Tel: +49 (0) 4821 178 20 55

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